The BEST Nintendo Switch Games For March 2022!


New month means new games, so let’s take a look at the new games coming to the Nintendo Switch in March! Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #NintendoSwitchGames .



  1. Rune factory 5 is getting the first play over Kirby….yeah….I said it. I'll get them both day 1. But Kirby will be 2nd to go into the switch . Koromon will b getting picked up too but not played lol. Itll b a rare game yrs from now

  2. Quality Vid and List RGT 85.

    Kirby, Persona Fighting Game, Aztech Forgotten Gods and Triangle Strategy are the Games I am most interested in.

    All the other Games is either a Pass for me or put on my Back Burner List.

  3. I'm so stoked for RF5. I was bummed when it came out in jpn and it didn't have same sex marriage but then they announced it'd be in the western release as well as a patch for jpn, ugh I'm so happy it's soonish. It, Triangle Strategy, P4U and I may finally play a Kirby game with this new one, I've just never got into it. I downloaded the demo for the current switch one and it just didn't click with me. ;__;


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