Top 10 Best Indie Games to play in June 2021


June 2021 is packed with great new indie games to play on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Stadia, and Apple Arcade. Here’s everything we know that’s released this month, ahead of the reveals at E3 and Summer Games Fest, that’s worth looking into. – #IndieGames #GetIndieGaming #BestIndieGames – SUPPORT AND FOLLOW US: – Subscribe for more: – Twitter: https://twitter .com/GetIndieGaming. – – Epic Game Store Support A Creator Code: Get-Indie-Gaming – Top 10 Best New Indie Games of June 2021: 00:00 – Introduction 00:33 – 10: Sky Children of the Light – Nintendo Switch Launch: 01:58 – 9: One-handed applause: /One_Hand_Clapping/ 02:54 – 8: Operation Tango: 04:22 – 7: The Magnificent Trufflepigs: 1529550/The_Magnificent_Trufflepigs/ 05:25 – 6: Stonefly: 06:31 – 5: Offline: /Out_of_Line/ 07:19 – 4: Summertime Madness: 08:25 – 3: Curved Space: term=curved +space 09:45 – 2: Mighty Goose: app/1299360/Mighty_Goose/ 10:40 – 1: Backbone: https://store. .



  1. When I opened the video link, the cover showed a man with a purple top hat, curled moustaches, beard, looking diagonally at you, with a clock like thing behind him, with an arrow. What game is that? Didn't see it anywhere in the video…. Because that artwork made me that much more interested in playing that game. It's probably in some other video.

  2. I absolutely will be checking out Trufflepigs. Everyone Goes To The Rapture was the original game that made me fall in love with indie games. Still treasure the game to this day

  3. Hi Stuart! Great list, as always. I'm expecting a few releases around E3, but for now it's Backbone and Mighty Goose I'm most looking forward to (and Chicory). Did you manage to play The Longest Road on Earth yet? Such a wonderful little game with fantastic music.

  4. Hey!
    David here, developer of Summertime Madness 🙂

    Thanks so much for including the game in this wonderful compilation, this is really heartwarming! 🙂

    (Oh, and by the way : great thumbnail <3)

  5. I have had Sky on my phone for some time now, but I have yet to touch it. Mostly because I'm just not a avid phone game player, not sure why but I just can't get past it unlike a hand held game system like a NDS.

    Though I wish Sky could also come to other plat forms as well to play, since I still don't own a Switch either.

    One Hand Clapping looks quite interesting, along with Stonefly and out of line. which this is the first time I've heard of those games.

  6. I'm generally not into games with combat, but Stonefly has me curious.

    EDIT: Between Stonefly, The Magnificent Trufflepigs, Out of Line, and Summertime Madness, it looks like an abundance of games of interest for me this episode!

  7. Fantastic list as always! Not surprised to see Backbone at the top, with how many times we've seen it near or at the top of previous Upcoming Games lists 🙂 Astalon: Tears of the Earth is another one I'm looking forward to.


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