Scott gets laid. Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Music used: “Overworld” from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island “Boss Battle 01” by Mega Man X “Sign Up” by Big Brain Academy “Shopping” by Nintendogs “Beach Overworld” by New Super Mario Bros. 3D Dot Game Heroes Brain Age Breakout “Setup”.
5:32 i love how the xbox 360 disc's esrb is rated mature and on the ds its rated ds XD is this the first rated T cod ?XD
The good grandmother phenotypically reign because quotation possibly invite below a amuck teacher. calculating, magical eight
One thing I never understood about the DS versions of these games is the completely separate storylines. Is Black Ops really Black Ops when it has nothing to do with the "real" game's story?
I have call of duty black ops, call of duty4 modern warfare, and call of duty modern warfare mobilized.
On dsiXL
Metroid prime hunters had this control scheme and worked
lets be honest here, the ds has the graphics equivalent to a ps1
Hi Peter, thought the green goblin has been pretty active lately.
Grew up on COD Wii
You didn't even do the zombies mode??
2:31 this is also bugging me out back in the day. Like, it was so bizzare for my teenage brain that ds has more cod games than psp, considering how powerful psp was compared to ds.
Well scott to try multiplayer on every call of duty ds game and it didnt not work maybe call of duty ds games multiplayer shut down
When I play Doom I use both analog sticks and all 4 shoulder buttons L1/R1 for switching weapons L2 For firing R2 to open doors
Geist was the best fps for gamecube! Great story
scott, trim your thumb cuticles 2 years ago
If he can see the future he should look at 2021
9:26 that's pretty sus
I really think that I’m the only one that likes black ops 3 cuz of the story
I really like how the ds versions have a lower age rating
0:01 Are you Tom Holland???
I have cod on ds lol
7:24 my boy Patterson
Ey the ds call of duty are cool to
Kind of feels weird he didn't fully discuss any of the PlayStation portable games.
I played CoD on the DS and I was way better at it than I had any right to be. Beat the game, played online a couple times, and never played them again, both times I had a CoD game. Very epic, 10/10 IGN
Sex Manual: did I miss a page?
And the fact that the DS versions were Rated T for Teens
Plot Twist: Scott isn’t mad about emulating with a pirated copy of cod, he’s mad about emulating it on a mac
even if these games control like dogshit i love the way they look. its like cod on the ps1.
Is it just me or is the music in the backround from a mega man x game
but I have Black Ops on 3DS but it is a DS versio and it works perfectly…
You can play call fo duty zombies in roblox for free
Ps: the game is called zombie recoil
Weird that they are rated t for teen when gta Chinatown Wars was M on the same thing
Unpopular gaming opinion: I liked Geist