BEST New Nintendo Switch Games | Any WORTH it!? (July 2021 Week 1)


Here’s a list of some of the best games that are set to release on the Nintendo Switch in the first week of July 2021. So what’s next? Let’s find out… Intro 0:00 Umerangi Generation Special Edition 0:22 Out of Line 1:00 Treachery in Beatdown City 1:52 Monument 3:06 Aria Chronicle 4:08 Masagoro 4:57 Boomerang X 5:32 The Silver Case 2425 6:19 Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin 7:20 Ys IX: Monstrum Nox 8:33 Outtro 9:44 #NintendoSwitch #Upcoming Games If you’ve been supporting us for a long time, consider supporting us on Patreon – https:// Happy Gaming Mark and Glen Number of SwitchUp subscribers: 187,115 .



  1. I played like 40 games on the Switch and the three that I enjoyed the most Zelda-Breath, Skyrim, Ys Viii Lacrimosa of Dana. I preordered The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword because I loved on the Wii and preordered Ys iX Monstrum Nox. I never preordered any games before, and way to excited to play these 2 games. Ys Viii Lacrimosa of Dana is easily the best j-RPG and second best a-RPG after Skyrim on the Switch, I consider Zelda Breath as an Fantasy-Action-Adventure.

  2. The only games I ever needed are: RBI baseball 21 and nba 2k19. Honestly I could've been fine with only NBA 2k8 and NCAA 2k8. And now I've waisted $500 on switch games. ? What an oofus I am.
    ? If course dirt 2 is really cool too

  3. Picking up The Silvercase 2425 and Monster Hunter stories 2 after playing the demo. If they're remastering Suda 51 games on the Switch now we need Lollipop Chainsaw.

  4. If you love Metroidvanias, Play Ender Lillies. I cannot stress how amazing this game is. Music, art style, combat, level design, it's all just amazing. Top 10 must play metroidvanias on the switch for sure. Has a bit of the Salt and Sanctuary, Vigil, and Hollow Knight darkness and difficulty, but it does enough to make it unique and not just a clone. Definitely must be played.

  5. I beat the first Monster Hunter Stories, and while the demo for this one plays out pretty much the same as the previous demo – I'm still pretty excited. I came into the demo for the sequel kind of worried about the combat – but the changes they've made – have made it even more interesting.

    The focus on switching weapons, and attack types against monsters makes it much more interesting and had a lot of fun just peacefully destroying roaming monsters. There are 3 attacks, and 3 basic weapon types with some variation therein.

    The return of the 'mascot' cat and his annoying personality is sort of a let down, but knowing that the previous game had the ability to dress him up in the previous game made him easier to handle.

    All and all, really high hopes for it! Not sure if it's worth getting the deluxe version tho.

  6. Wow, didn’t know that theres’ another Ys title coming. I played Ys VIII recently where it was on sale and really liked it. But damn that price tag is high… definitely waiting for sales on that one


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