Giving the Nintendo DS one screen for no reason


Today we are building the GameBoy Macro. It was fun, I liked it. But is there any point? Thanks to Stuart for his tutorial at the end: Written tutorial: Screwdriver: Soldering iron: https:// Support The Channel: – The Retro Future PO Box 174 JERSEY, UK JE4 9RF #TheRetroFuture #GameBoy #Macro (links are affiliated where possible to support the channel) Music by brilliantly talented people: Please note that the links above are affiliated where possible to support the channel . Thank you for understanding. .



  1. I could never even attempt to do this, but when I was about 6/7 I broke my cobalt/black DS lite by bending the screen backwards. So I technically did it before. It didn't work after, but that is expected. Poor DS. I did break a lot of things so I was expected to break it at some point.

  2. I've seen quite a few people do this mod but quite honestly and makes no sense to me because all you're doing is making the Nintendo DS more inferior than what it already is. And besides I find the top screen much better suited to Gameboy Advance games then the bottom screen.

  3. Heck, I have a DS where the top screen hinge ended up breaking apart. I had intended on just ripping the top screen out and using it as a GBA player, but that seemed like a waste (especially due to the lack of sound), so I just bought a new one. If i had the tools and know how, I would totally consider doing this to the busted one.

  4. Funny story my sister and I made one of these on accident over a fight. She was 10 and I was 4, she tore the top screen off while I was holding the bottom screen and I was sad but afterwards essentially pulled a you as a toddler and used it as a GBA, obviously without the sexiness that you did to it, mine had wires exposed and all, im actually surprised my parents trusted me with it lol.


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