Wii Shop Channel Tribute – Best Virtual Console & WiiWare Games / MY LIFE IN GAMING


You will no longer be able to purchase points for the Nintendo Wii Shop as of March 26, 2018. Let’s get back to the service and talk about some of our favorite games on the service that we think you should get before it’s too late. Thanks to our friends for helping with their choices, check them out if you haven’t already! The 8-bit Duke: https://www.youtube.com/user/The8BitDuke Digital Foundry: https://www.youtube.com/user/DigitalFoundry G to the next level: https://www.youtube.com / user / VyseArcad1a Game Sack: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrGameSack Stop Skeletons From Fighting: https://www.youtube.com/user/lophatjello AntDude: https://www.youtube.com / user / AntDude92 Classic Gaming Quarterly: https://www.youtube.com/user/CGQuarterly Erin Plays: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXhETv5GWs2qfJ6D2vEEJDg —– ★ Featured Equipment (links from Amazon affiliation) ★ ► eShop Point Cards :: https://amzn.to/2y8LzS4 ► Lists of equipment, games and ideas :: https://www.amazon.com/shop/mylifeingaming — – ♫ If you want to help support the channel, here are some ways you can do it ♫ ► Support our efforts on Patreon :: http://www.patreon.com/mylifeingaming ► One-time donation via PayPal :: https: // www. paypal.me/mlig ► One-time donation of BitCoin and Etherium :: https://1upcoin.com/donate/youtube/myli feingaming —–‼ We receive a little kic kback from sales using the following links at no cost to you, with no influence on the content‼ ► Amazon :: http://amzn.to/2sDGprP ► If you want to purchase a XRGB-Mini Framemeister from Solaris Japan:: http://solarisjapan.com/collections/micomsoft?aff=65 ► Stone Age Gamer :: http://stoneagegamer.com/?afmc=mlig ► If you want to buy cables scart in the United States :: http: //retro-access.com/? aff = 4 ► If you want to buy scart cables or BNC breakout cables in UK: https://www.retrogamingcables.co.uk/?tracking=5664a8442cf2b – — ♫ Music Theme ♫ “Principle” by Matt McCheskey https://matthewmccheskey.bandcamp.com/ —– ✔ Delivery ✔ Coury Carlson My Life in the Game PO Box 72172 Newport, KY 41072 Marc “Try4ce” Duddleson My Life in Gaming PO Box 2684 Indian Trail, NC 28079 —– ❤ Social ❤ http://www.mylifeingaming.com http://twitter.com/MyLifeInGaming http://www.facebook.com/mylifeingames – —- My life in the game makes documentaries , deep dives into retro console hardware, and mo re. .



  1. Does anybody here think we take digital storefronts for granted? When a download store goes down, piracy will be inevitable if they take that route. Some should stay open forever in order to stop piracy. It’s also gonna make people wish they had a time machine. This is the reason why people have chronophobia.

  2. Was there ever a RGB Class on the Wii?
    I'm struggling to find the best way to play Super Paper Mario.
    I have the WiiU on a Flatscreen TV, but i have the Wii on a Sony Trinitron and Component.

  3. Im honestrly more of a fan of fast draw showdown on the Wii because the FMV footage is lower resolution since it captures that old school vibe that i want from an FMV game taking me back to the time they were more popular. then one for ps3 is just to good looking making it feel lower quality somehow

  4. Naw man I just got almost every Everdrive in my retro consoles to play on Real hardware…

    Are you guys gonna make an RGB Master Class about the Wii? Like for instance how can I play a Wii on a North American PVM with SCART cables?

  5. I played Golden Axe just once at a chip shop down town and from that time I wanted the game.
    I had a Master System at home so I bought it for that I was disappointed because it only had Axe battler as the playable character with 3 different magic's but then I later played the Mega Drive version and I was not disappointed I thought it was Arcade perfect at the time.

  6. 22:26

    Try: Hey Joe were doing a tribute to the Wii shop channel and we were hoping you could give the viewers a recommendation of a Genesis game to buy

    Joe: Oh yeah I'd love to help with that

    Try: That's great! So, what's your recommendation?

    Joe: GreenDog

    Try: Sorry Joe but that's not on the Wii shop channel, got any other ideas?


    Try: Joe, I'm going to have to get a little violent if you don't show me your game



  7. I know it's wrong, but does anyone else use these kind of "list" videos as a "shopping list" for roms? ? I only steal from the best, and the WiiWare games have some diamonds in the rough, here and there.


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