Top 10 Nintendo 3DS Games| The Completionist


Exclusive! Grab the NordVPN offer ➼ Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee! Let’s discover my top 10 Nintendo 3DS games! Subscribe: Completionist Merch: Support our Patreon: Get your IndieLand 2022 tickets here! Tickets are on sale now! November 11-13, 2022 in person and you can still watch on twitch for free! The next evolution of the Nintendo DS has become the Nintendo 3DS! And with this new technology came a plethora of unique games that brought memories to fans new and old. What are your best Nintendo 2DS games. Our partnership with G Fuel makes this channel work. Please visit the following link to get your G Fuel today and be sure to use the code “Completionist” Watch us on Twitch: thecompletionist Find us on Reddit: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: TheCompletionist_IG TOVG is composed of: Jirard Khalil – Creator/Executive Producer/The Guy Who Completes Everything Jacque Khalil – Producer / Financing Department https://twitter .com/jkhalil Patrick Stenglein – Showrunner/Lead Editor Michael Barryte – Creative Director Frazier Perez- Yadon – Producer/Business Ops Alex Faciane – Creative Consultant Ruby Guest – Associate Producer Ted Coonradt – Community Manager/Merch Coordinator /tcoonz Megan Baldado – Social Media Manager Twitch: /shaperofstories YouTube: com/channel/UCbmex__O_bNkgrJG1Ld-z2A Cameron Daxon – Screenwriter Jeremy Hanna – Screenwriter Iszac Gaton – Screenwriter Kim Berkley – Screenwriter Nickolai Boulton – Editor, Motion Designer Shawn – Thumbnail and Merch Artist Carlos Padilla – Title Artist http:// Charlie Shipley – Assistant Editor Josh Kotoff – Channel Manager/SEO Expert The Completionist Theme By Elite Ferrex – http://eliteferrex. Art by: Shawn JPB (JetPackBraggin) and Carlos Padilla Watch more game reviews and Top 10 videos like my best Nintendo games 3DS on my channel below! | The Completionist What are your best 3ds games? #3DS #Nintendo #Nintendo3DS #Completionist #Top10 .



  1. when I heard the sun and moon music I teared up instantly. I remember as a kid spending weeks on that game, just leveling up my litten and overall enjoying the games atmosphere. Its been 7 years since I played this, its crazy how fast time flies!I I remember playing in the car and sneaking it into bed under the blankets lool. I reccomend playing this game 100%. The musics great, the gameplay is great, and the artstyle is SUPERB.

  2. Theres a very distinct lack of good games here eg: bravely second, radiant historia, smtiv apocalypse, dragon quest vii/viii etc.

    Literally the only good games on the video is theatrythm ff and bravely default

  3. I got a big nostalgia hit when I saw both Theatrhythm Final Fantasy & Bravely Default on this list. The former was just because I saw the original and Curtain Call one day at my local GameStop and decided to buy it, and I was not disappointed, especially with Curtain Call. Makes me really look forward to eventually playing Final Bar Line on Switch when it comes out.

  4. New pokemon games have came out since Sun and moon but I still come back to my moon copy! I think its truly my favorite gen because of how fresh it felt (and I have found a lot of new favorite pokemon thanks to it)

  5. By far my favorite 3ds game has to be a link between worlds, and coincidentally it was the first 3ds game I bought. The classic Zelda dungeons and puzzles with an interesting story and set of characters, all on that tiny screen for me to play in anywhere at any time. Truly a magical experience it was.

  6. ultra sun and moon are so slept i've played every pokemon game and ultra sun is easily top 3 pokemon games i skipped it when it was new thinking it would be terrible but now it's the last mainline pokemon game that feels like they actually tried and finished it before putting it out

  7. Whats the one anime fighting game called? You had pets i think but you had a long haired guy with a sword slashing monsters? Plz anyone. I used to play the demo as a kid

  8. Too many people have slept on the Mario & Luigi and Mario vs. Donkey Kong franchises for too long. So many great games that deserve way more attention.

    Luigi’s Mansion 1 & 2 also deserve shoutouts

  9. never been a big zelda fan. but my wife got me a link between worlds for my birthday one year and man what a fantastic game that was. it was so good i went on a beat wind waker on wii u afterwards and was equally satisfied.

  10. A link between worlds is my 2nd fav zelda fame and my first one I ever completed it and breath of the wild arw the only ones I truly 100% love they are so freeing and I can do what I want without being forced

  11. 10. Mariokart 7
    9.Pokemon Omega Ruby
    8.Pokemon Y
    7. Miitopia
    6.Tomodachi life
    5.Pokemon Ultra sun
    4.Pokemon super mystery dungeon
    3.Mario 3d land
    2.Lego star wars tfa
    Ocarina of time and majoras mask 3d
    Terraria but this is new games cartridge only
    Frontier days
    Pokemon platinum
    Gen 5 pokemon
    Pokemon 1-2 Gen
    Harvest moon 3
    1.Animal crossing new leaf
    But by playtime
    10.70:14 Frontier days
    9.74:26 Mario kart 7
    8.76:36 pokemon Sun
    7.80:19 Tomodachi Life
    6.94:56 Pokmemon SMD
    5.106:10 Rpg Maker Fes
    4.138:47 Pokemon Y
    3.150:40 Miitopia
    2.184:07 Pokemon Ultra Sun
    1.342:43 Terraria


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